domingo, 12 de abril de 2020

Solution to problem 4975 in Romantics of Geometry

This problem was proposed by Tran Viet Hung (Vietnam). Here is my proof. 

Proof for a). 

Perform an inversion around circle, $w$, centred at $A$ with radius $AE=AD$. The incircle is fixed since it is orthogonal with $w$. Touch points $E$ and $D$ are also fixed since they are on the circumference of $w$. The inverted image of $I$ is the intersection of $AI$ with $ED$, denoted $I'$. $B$ and $C$ are transformed into $B'$ and $C'$ on lines $AB$ and $AC$, respectively. The circumcircle $(ABC)$ is sent to the line passing through $B'$, $C'$. Line $BC$ is sent to the circle $(AB'C')$ and is tangent to the incircle at $P'$, the inverted image of $P$. The point $M$ is sent to $M'$, the intersection of $AI$ and $B'C'$. The line $MP$ is sent to the circle passing through $A$, $M'$ and $P'$. Finally, the inverted image of $Q$ is the second intersection of line $B'M'$ with $(AM'P')$ (See the inverted diagram above).

As angles are preserved under inversion, we want to show that $Q'$ lies on $E'D'$, taking advantage of the fact that $\angle{AI'E'}=90^\circ$. Let's supose that $E'D'$ cuts $B'C'$ in $Q''$. It suffices to show $AM'P'Q''$ is cyclic. Indeed, if $N$ is the intersection of $AI'$ with arc $B'C'$,  then, $N$ is the midpoint of arc $B'C'$, and it is known that $Q''$, $P'$ and $N$ are collinear (notice that the incircle turns out to be the $A$-mixtilinear excircle of $\triangle{AB'C'}$). A simple angle chase shows that $\angle{M'AP'}=\angle{M'Q''P'}$, implying $AM'P'Q''$ is cyclic and that $Q''=Q'$, as desired.


Proof for b).

Under the same inversion we perfom in part a), the $A$-mixtilinear excircle is sent to the incircle of $\triangle{AB'C'}$ which touches $B'C'$ in $X''$, the inverted image of $X'$. The intersection of $AI$ with $BC$ is sent to $N$, the same midpoint of arc $B'C'$ (not containing $A$) we described in part a). It suffices to show that $Q'NX''A$ is cyclic. Indeed, we proved already that $Q'$ lies on $B'C'$, so if we prove that $\angle{X''Q'N} = \angle{X''AN}$ we are done. But it is well known that $AX''$, $AP'$ are isogonal and $Q'$, $P'$ and $N$ are collinear, so $\angle{X''AN} = \angle{M'AP'} = \angle{M'Q'P'} = \angle{X''Q'N}$, implying that $Q'NX''A$ is cyclic, as desired.


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