viernes, 8 de marzo de 2019

TST Peru, 2019

Let $I$, $O$ and $\tau$ be the incenter, circumcenter and circumcircle of triangle $ABC$. The line $BI$ intersects $\tau$ again at $M$. The circle $\omega$ is tangent to lines $AB$ and $BC$, and touches internally $\tau$ at $T$. The tangents to $\tau$ at $T$ and $B$ intersect at $P$. The lines $PI$ and $TM$ intersect at $Q$. Prove that the lines $QB$ and $MO$ intersect at $\tau$. 


Lemma 1. $\angle{MBT}=\angle{OTI}$.

Proof. By properties of angles in a circle, $\angle{BOT}=2\angle{BAC}+2\angle{TBC}$. As $\triangle{OTB}$ is isosceles, $\angle{OTB}=90^\circ-\angle{BAC}-\angle{TBC}$. Moreover, 


$\angle{ATI}=\angle{CTI}$ (This is a well-known property of mixtilinear incircle. See $[1]$ and $[2]$)   and  $\angle{ATC}=180^\circ-\angle{ABC}$, then,  $\angle{ATI}=\angle{CTI}=90^\circ-\frac{\angle{ABC}}{2}$. It follows that 


But $\angle{MBT}=\frac{\angle{ABC}}{2}-\angle{TBC}$, therefore, $\angle{MBT}=\angle{OTI}$.


Lemma 2. $BP=PT=IP$.

Proof. We already know that $\angle{OBT}=\angle{OTB}=90^\circ-\angle{BAC}-\angle{TBC}$. But $\angle{BAC}+\angle{TBC}=\angle{TBP}$, then, $\angle{OBT}=\angle{OTB}=90^\circ-\angle{TBP}$. Let $R$ be the circumradius, then, by the Law of Sines, 
Focusing on quadrilateral $OBIT$, $\angle{BIT}=360^\circ-\angle{BOT}-\angle{OBI}-\angle{OTI}$. Let $B'$ be the orthogonal projection of $B$ onto $AC$. We have $\angle{B'BC}=90^\circ-\angle{ACB}$. Since $O$ is the isogonal conjugate of the orthocenter, it follows $\angle{OBI}=\frac{\angle{ABC}}{2}+\angle{ACB}-90^\circ$. Moreover, we know from lemma 1 that $\angle{OTI}=\frac{\angle{ABC}}{2}-\angle{TBC}$. Then, 
Now, focusing on $\triangle{BIT}$, we have
As $\frac{\angle{ABC}}{2}+\frac{\angle{ACB}}{2}+\frac{\angle{BAC}}{2}=90^\circ$, it follows $\angle{ITB}=\frac{\angle{ACB}}{2}-\frac{\angle{BAC}}{2}$. Now, by the Law of Sines, 
As $\angle{BPT}=180^\circ-2\angle{TBP}$, again, by the Law of Sines, 
Finally, by the Law of Cosines, 
But, as $\frac{\angle{ABC}}{2}=90^\circ-\frac{\angle{BAC}}{2}-\frac{\angle{ACB}}{2}$, it follows
Therefore, $BP=PT=IP$.

Remark. $IP\parallel{AC}$. A proof can be found here.

Back to the main problem.

Let $R$ be the second intersection of $QB$ with $\tau$. It suffices to show that $MR$ is the diameter of $\tau$. By property of angles in a circle, $\angle{PTQ}=\frac{\angle{ABC}}{2}-\angle{TBC}$. We now from lemma 2 that $\angle{BIT}=90^\circ+\angle{BAC}+\angle{TBC}$ and $\triangle{BIP}$, $\triangle{ITP}$ are isosceles. It follows


Consequently, $\angle{TPQ}=180^\circ+2\angle{TBC}-\angle{ABC}$. Hence, $\angle{PQT}=\frac{\angle{ABC}}{2}-\angle{TBC}$, meaning $\triangle{PQT}$ is isosceles with $PQ=PB$. We deduce that $\angle{PBQ}=90^\circ-\angle{BAC}-\frac{\angle{ABC}}{2}$. Notice that 


Therefore, $MB\perp{BR}$.


$[1]$ Evan Chen, Euclidean Geometry in Mathematical Olympiads.
$[2]$ Arseniy Akopyan, Geometry in Figures.

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