Let I, O and \tau be the incenter, circumcenter and circumcircle of triangle ABC. The line BI intersects \tau again at M. The circle \omega is tangent to lines AB and BC, and touches internally \tau at T. The tangents to \tau at T and B intersect at P. The lines PI and TM intersect at Q. Prove that the lines QB and MO intersect at \tau.
Lemma 1. \angle{MBT}=\angle{OTI}.
Proof. By properties of angles in a circle, \angle{BOT}=2\angle{BAC}+2\angle{TBC}. As \triangle{OTB} is isosceles, \angle{OTB}=90^\circ-\angle{BAC}-\angle{TBC}. Moreover,
\angle{ATI}=\angle{CTI} (This is a well-known property of mixtilinear incircle. See [1] and [2]) and \angle{ATC}=180^\circ-\angle{ABC}, then, \angle{ATI}=\angle{CTI}=90^\circ-\frac{\angle{ABC}}{2}. It follows that
But \angle{MBT}=\frac{\angle{ABC}}{2}-\angle{TBC}, therefore, \angle{MBT}=\angle{OTI}.
Lemma 2. BP=PT=IP.

Proof. We already know that \angle{OBT}=\angle{OTB}=90^\circ-\angle{BAC}-\angle{TBC}. But \angle{BAC}+\angle{TBC}=\angle{TBP}, then, \angle{OBT}=\angle{OTB}=90^\circ-\angle{TBP}. Let R be the circumradius, then, by the Law of Sines,
Focusing on quadrilateral OBIT, \angle{BIT}=360^\circ-\angle{BOT}-\angle{OBI}-\angle{OTI}. Let B' be the orthogonal projection of B onto AC. We have \angle{B'BC}=90^\circ-\angle{ACB}. Since O is the isogonal conjugate of the orthocenter, it follows \angle{OBI}=\frac{\angle{ABC}}{2}+\angle{ACB}-90^\circ. Moreover, we know from lemma 1 that \angle{OTI}=\frac{\angle{ABC}}{2}-\angle{TBC}. Then,
Now, focusing on \triangle{BIT}, we have
As \frac{\angle{ABC}}{2}+\frac{\angle{ACB}}{2}+\frac{\angle{BAC}}{2}=90^\circ, it follows \angle{ITB}=\frac{\angle{ACB}}{2}-\frac{\angle{BAC}}{2}. Now, by the Law of Sines,
As \angle{BPT}=180^\circ-2\angle{TBP}, again, by the Law of Sines,
Finally, by the Law of Cosines,
But, as \frac{\angle{ABC}}{2}=90^\circ-\frac{\angle{BAC}}{2}-\frac{\angle{ACB}}{2}, it follows
Therefore, BP=PT=IP.
Remark. IP\parallel{AC}. A proof can be found here.
Back to the main problem.
Let R be the second intersection of QB with \tau. It suffices to show that MR is the diameter of \tau. By property of angles in a circle, \angle{PTQ}=\frac{\angle{ABC}}{2}-\angle{TBC}. We now from lemma 2 that \angle{BIT}=90^\circ+\angle{BAC}+\angle{TBC} and \triangle{BIP}, \triangle{ITP} are isosceles. It follows
Consequently, \angle{TPQ}=180^\circ+2\angle{TBC}-\angle{ABC}. Hence, \angle{PQT}=\frac{\angle{ABC}}{2}-\angle{TBC}, meaning \triangle{PQT} is isosceles with PQ=PB. We deduce that \angle{PBQ}=90^\circ-\angle{BAC}-\frac{\angle{ABC}}{2}. Notice that
Therefore, MB\perp{BR}.
[1] Evan Chen, Euclidean Geometry in Mathematical Olympiads.
[2] Arseniy Akopyan, Geometry in Figures.