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domingo, 7 de agosto de 2022

A property of the Spieker point

Problem. Let ABC be a triangle. Let A' be on BC such that AA' is an internal angle bisector. Call M the midpoint of AA'. Let T be the point of tangency of BC with the A-excircle. Prove that the Spieker center of ABC lies on MT.

Proof. Let D, E and F be the midpoints of sides AC, AB and BC, respectively. Let the angle bisector of \angle{EDF} intersect ET in D' and BC in D''. Similarly, let the angle bisector of \angle{DEF} intersect DT in E', AC in E'' and BC in E^*. Call S the intersection of DD' and EE'. Since AB\parallel{DF}, a simple angle chase lead us to conclude that \triangle{FDD''} is isosceles with FD=FD''. Moreover, since DE\parallel{D''T} it follows that \triangle{EDD'}\sim{\triangle{TD'D''}}, from which we have

An analogous reasoning lead us to conclude that \triangle{DEE''} is isosceles (with DE=DE'') and \triangle{DEE'}\sim{\triangle{TE'E^*}}, from which we obtain
Now, since BC is the homothetic image of ED with scale factor 2, then M must lies on DE and by the Angle Bisector Theorem, 
We want to show that EE', DD' and MT are concurrent, so by invoking the Ceva's Theorem and substituting from (1, 2, 3),
This means EE', DD' and MT are concurrent at S. Hence S lies on MT.

martes, 2 de agosto de 2022

Solution of a problem by Tran Viet Hung

 This is problem 037 in this document by the Vietnamese geometer, Tran Viet Hung

Problem. Let ABC be a triangle and I its Incenter. Denote D, E the points of tangency of incircle of ABC with sides BC and AC, respectively. Let P be the intersection of the perpendicular of AI at A and BC. Construct Q similarly. Denote M and N the midpoints of AP and BQ, respectively. Prove that MN, AB and DE concur (see figure below). 

Lemma 1. Let P' be the intersection of AI with BC and Q' the intersection of BI with AC. Denote M' and N' the midpoints of AP' and BQ', respectively. Call X the intersection of AN' with BM'. If T' is the point of tangency of the C-excircle with AB, then T', X and I are collinear. 

Proof. Here we'll be using standard notations, this is BC=a, AC=b, AB=c and s is semiperimeter. From the formula for the length of angle bisector we have
Moreover, it is well-known that
From (1) and (2) follows that
Similarly, we can derive an expression for N'I
Invoking Ceva's theorem, our goal now is to show that
Since AT'=(s-b) and BT'=(s-a), equation (3) can be re-written as
This means that AN', BM' and IT' are concurrent at X. Hence T', X and I must be collinear.
Back to Hung's original problem
Call I_c the C-excenter of ABC. By property of ex-centers, \angle{IBI_c}=\angle{IAI_c}=90^\circ, so AP and BQ must intersect at I_c. Denote Y the intersection of AN with BM and T the point of tangency of the incircle with AB. Then Y, I_c and T must be collinear since this is the extraverted version of Lemma 1. Now, suppose DE and MN intersect AB at R and R', respectively. It is well-known that AD, BE and CT' are concurrent at the Gergonne Point, so by property of harmonic bundles we have
-1=(A, B; T, R)=(A, B; T, R'),
wich means R=R', hence MN, AB and DE concur.
Remark. Lemma 1 has given rise to a new special triangle, namely the Garcia-Moses triangle, published in the Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers.